PSIA AASI Level 2 Training Videos

Better understand the Skiing and Riding Tasks required for PSIA AASI Certification. Check out the video collections below to see instructors demonstrating some of the tasks required for PSIA AASI Level 2. While this is not a complete list of all tasks, it will help give you a better understanding of the image you need to represent through each of the on-snow activities.
更好地了解PSIA AASI认证所需的滑雪和单板滑雪任务。请查看下面的视频集,查看指导老师演示PSIA AASI Level 2所需的一些任务。虽然这不是所有任务的完整列表,但它可以帮助您更好地了解需要创建的图像。

PSIA AASI - The Matrix - Training Videos -

PSIA AASI Matrix -

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PSIA AASI Training Videos - Level 2 Tasks

AASI Snowboard Level 2 Task Playlist - Videos by Rocky Mountain

PSIA Alpine Ski Level 2 Task Playlist - Videos by Jonathan Ballou

PSIA Alpine Ski Level 2 Task Playlist - Miscellaneous Video Collection

Here are some additional resources to assist you in understanding PSIA AASI skiing and riding tasks: 其他资源可帮助您了解PSIA AASI使用的滑雪和单板滑雪任务

PSIA AASI Skiing & Riding Tasks - All Certification Levels - DRAFT Document

AASI Snowboard Tasks & Descriptions - PDF